Monday, January 26, 2015

We all go a little mad sometimes ........ etc. etc. still Forgive!!!!

                                                                           Image result for norman bates
        Kinda weird of me to quote a line from Alfred Hitchcock's Norman Bates in my title.  But, look at the fact that it is one of the most famous movies of all time for a reason: we identify with the character(s) that we see in ourselves (Norman, his mother, his victims, the townsfolk, ole Arbogast, etc). "Ummm ... Dave, are you NUTS!" lolz.   We all go a little mad sometimes.  Heck, I'm giving my book away for FREE on KDP Select .... NOW THAT'S NUTS!!!  Nawww, not really.  After that last blog, and about a dozen others I've done, I'm probably on some FBI, CIA, etc. list of potential crazies.  It's all in the cards .... hehe (have to read my book to see what that means).
       Don't think so negatively about Norman, however.  He was just some guy who wasn't blessed enough to have a loving upbringing or the ability to correct that which corrupted him.  It was actually his environment (and the rearing practices of the times)that was responsible for him becoming a killer.  He was actually a nice guy, aside from being homicidal. (Ok, bad joke.)
             But, real life women love that type of guy.  That's the lure of Psycho.  Nice lookin' fellow, all squirrely and all, perfect to push around ... just that living with his mother thing!! lolz.  Yet, look at Ted Bundy at least.  Even after finding out he was a creep women flocked to him wanting his hand in marriage. 
                                  Image result for ted bundy
           The point I'm trying to make is that female, and more specifically feminine, emotions can be fooled by their own standards.  Everyone knows why O J Simpson was hated. 
         But, how did Scott Peterson get away with the murder of Lacy for so long?  Or Joran Vandersloot, or Manson for that matter.  Why so long in getting to them?  And just why did Tiger Woods have to apologize to the world interrupting national programming for a private incident between him and his now ex-wife? 
         Finally, ole 'puddin-poppin-poppin-puddy-pimp-daddy Bill Cosby is transformed (due to a comedian's joke) into sex public enemy number one. Imagine that, Barbara Eden didn't have a naval and who knew daddy Bill Cosby had a dick? 
         C'mon, after Kevin Clash that had to be the reason for that attack on Cosby: to try to finish his career by rumor and anonymous accusations.  After all, in this racially charged environment who knew that Bill Cosby was a frequent guest at the Playboy manor and even a host to many official Playboy events and shows?
            Here's what the accusing powers that be have to do if they want sex crimes to stick:

     (not just rumors and heresay)
2) Get your shit straight and stop cowering and 
       waiting and crying, etc. Nail the bastard if he's 
        guilty!!! Get your individual accounts together 
         on a timeline along with a forensic team and 
          nail him!! (Please ... I mean it!!!)
3) Explain to me why women typically protect the
     actually guilty and worship them until the 
     'lover' kills them.
4) Prove to me (and I mean this) that this is
     NOT a pedophile anti-straight plot utilizing the
     gay atmosphere today to 'guilt' more men into
     bed with other men and turn them off to women. 
     (that's what's been happening to me for a long
          time ...)
     career when he's a role model can virtually do 
     nothing to him, but the rest of us (especially 
     black males) suffer indirectly just for looking like 
     the accused. (Why the hell grill me about OJ's
     innocence or guilt? Did that change anything but
     MY life depending on what I say?)
6) Finally, no matter how you FEEL about a target
    issue this hot, it all sounds racist-political to me.  
    You should know I'm not changing one blessed
    aspect of my already developed life because of O
    J, Tim Rice, Tiger Woods, 2 Live Crew, or any of
    the other images used to describe pimpology.  You
    know why?
                           The REASON
      Because you're still dating your Clous Van Bulo's, protecting blatant call girl prostitution in the French Quarter in New Orleans, and gosh know's what else!!!  I got so mad that I partook in a shameful activity at one point in time: I cheered for the serial killer in horror movies each time he scored against a female victim (after all they always managed to date him!)  I was doomed to be just another lone black male from the racist point of view sitting there because people were afraid of me anyway ... "the jerk."  Loneliness ate me alive until I realized that, before I learned of Forgiveness and the Holy Spirit, I was wrong ... so very wrong.  I was eventually hospitalized becaming so sick with grief and hate from being alone.  But, one thing about me: I'll NEVER FORCE MYSELF ON ANYONE!! And, I stopped myself before I was to become one of the creeps I was cheering for.
           It hasn't been easy being this honest.  But, you need to know that as you force men into that 'gay best friend' role, many of them are just as hurt and confused as you target them to be.  Women in particular like that Norman Bates stuffing birds in the parlor look in men, especially those men they defeat.  But, I'm here to tell you: BEWARE!  That hair dresser may not be your best friend at all.  Are you sure your 'gay son' really is gay or the transexual he claims to be.  It's too late when the inner self hatred wins.  It's your turn now, ladies, and lady want to beees. FORGIVE!!! Amen.


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